I want to congratulate all the winners in the recent contest for the release of When Shadows Fall. I will be contacting all the winners individually, but here is the full list! Thank you to everyone for participating and I hope you love your adventures with Rayden Valkyrie!
Full Dark Sun Dawn Trilogy Signed
Desiree Reilly
When Shadows Fall Signed
John McColley
Oliver Bowdoin
Darlene Owen
Full Dark Sun Dawn Trilogy in eBook
Yevhennii Pokutnii
Alec Brownie
When Shadows Fall eBook
Dan Oliveira
Vicki Wurgler
A Rayden Valkyrie eBook Novella (of winner’s choice)
Debra Larson Branigan
Angel Heaps
Willy Brownie
Daniel M.
Dynal Roberson