Very excited to announce that the new Ragnar Stormbringer Tale, The Awakening, is now available in eBook formats! I had a great experience writing this one, and it has everything that fans of Ragnar love! This one has the warrior Thorsalla too, as she and Ragnar venture to a land called Ulstara that is very Celtic-inspired. Get a copy today and let me know what you think! Full release information is below!
The Awakening, a new Ragnar Stormbringer Tale from award-winning author Stephen Zimmer, is available today in eBook formats! The Awakening is a stand-alone novella that readers of heroic fantasy, sword and sorcery, and dark-edged, action-driven fantasy will love!

Pick up your copy now at any of the links below!
Kobo (available shortly)
Synopsis of The Awakening:
Following the end of a brutal war, Ragnar Stormbringer travels across the sea channel to the west with the warrior Thorsalla to visit her brother’s new settlement in the fertile lands of Ulstara.
Coming upon a scene of total devastation, they find no bodies, but there are a large number of strange tracks heading in one direction and signs of a few survivors in another.
Ragnar will soon discover that some mysteries are the gateways to even greater ones.
The Awakening is a stand-alone adventure that is part of the Ragnar Stormbringer Tales.